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History of the Atlantic Cable & Undersea Communications
from the first submarine cable of 1850 to the worldwide fiber optic network

Cable Companies and Cable Stations

Cable Companies
African Direct Telegraph Company
All America Cables
Anglo American
British Insulated Callenders (Submarine) Cables Ltd
British Submarine Cable Manufacturers
British Telegraph Companies
Cable & Wireless
Canadian Government
Central & South American Telegraph Company
Commercial Cable Company
The Commercial Pacific Cable Company
La Compagnie Française des Câbles Télégraphiques
Danish PTT (Tele Danmark)
Direct United States Cable Company
Domestic Cable Companies - local cables in Britain
Dutch East Indies Government
Electric Telegraph Company of Ireland
Enderby's Wharf
French Cable Companies
German Cable Companies
Great Northern
The India-rubber, Gutta-percha, and Telegraph Works Company, Limited (Silvertown)
Johnson and Phillips - cable gear suppliers
New Zealand
Richard Johnson & Nephew - cable wire suppliers since 1851
Siemens Brothers
Simplex Wire & Cable Company
The Submarine Telegraph Company
The Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Company - Origins
US Armed Forces Cables
US Underseas Cable Corporation
Western Union
West Highland Telegraph
Cable Stations
Abermawr, Wales
Ascension Island
Bamfield, Vancouver, Canada
Barranco, Peru - Central & South American Telegraph Company
Canso, Nova Scotia - Commercial Cable Company,
Commercial Cable Company, other offices
Direction Island
Orleans, Massachusetts - French Cable Station,
Telegraph Island


Cable Services - a review of a hundred years of cable rates and options
Commercial Telegram Bureaux

Last revised: 1 January, 2010

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Research Material Needed

The Atlantic Cable website is non-commercial, and its mission is to make available on line as much information as possible.

You can help - if you have cable material, old or new, please contact me. Cable samples, instruments, documents, brochures, souvenir books, photographs, family stories, all are valuable to researchers and historians.

If you have any cable-related items that you could photograph, copy, scan, loan, or sell, please email me: [email protected]

—Bill Burns, publisher and webmaster: