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History of the Atlantic Cable & Undersea Communications
from the first submarine cable of 1850 to the worldwide fiber optic network

Conference of Engineers at Britannia Bridge, 1850

Before their involvement in the telegraph industry, Latimer Clark assisted his brother Edwin, the Resident Superintending Engineer under Robert Stephenson, in the construction and erection of the Britannia Tubular Bridge across the Menai Straits. His work here covered three years, 1848 to 1850.

The print below is taken from the original painting by John Lucas RA which hangs in the Stephenson Room at the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Great George Street, London SW1. As well as the brothers Clark, it depicts other engineers and principals involved in the bridge project gathered around Robert Stephenson, who is seated at a table examining plans, with the Britannia Bridge in the background.

Key to the subjects: (1) Admiral Moorsom; (2) Latimer Clark; (3) Edwin Clark; (4) Frank Forster; (5) George P. Bidder; (6) Hemmingway, master mason; (7) Captain Claxton, RN; (8) Alexander Ross; (9) Robert Stephenson, MP; (10) Charles H. Wild; (11) Joseph Locke, MP; (12) Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Thanks to Kevin Jones of the Steamindex website for providing the key to the subjects, which is based on information in John Marshall’s “Biographical Dictionary of Railway Engineers”

Last revised: 21 December, 2019

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—Bill Burns, publisher and webmaster: